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Close Out the Year STRONG

There are only 37 days left in 2019.


Most of the time, people postpone starting any type of fitness/health commitment until the beginning of the new year. Cue Whole30’s and Weight Watcher meetings and juice cleanses. But Rachel Hollis (if you don’t know who she is, click here and then then let the obsession begin) had a great point when she said why wait till then? Why not use every day that’s left in this year to set the tone for next year? SO. MUCH. YES.

I personally have slacked off waaaay too much this year, not making my health + fitness goals a priority. I didn’t push myself in my workouts, I allowed far too many cocktails to be consumed (ugh), and I didn’t my self care a main focus to ensure my mental health was in a good place. As a result, I’ve lost a lot of muscle, gained some unwanted fat, and had an all time high in anxiety levels.

So I’m doing what Rachel suggests. I’m using the next 37 days to kickstart my journey to get back to my best self - both mentally and physically. Who’s with me?!

To make things easier in this journey, I’m offering a huge sale on all of my downloadable programs/nutrition guide + cookbook. Oot oot!

All you have to do is click here, add the goods to your cart - you don’t need a discount code or anything. Then download them to your smart device and/or print out to have on hand for a quick reference. Then LET’S DO THIS, you guys!

2020, we’re coming for you in a BIG way!