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Healthy Snacks for Kids

If your kids are anything like mine, they are hungry twenty. four. seven.  I mean, it's like they're in a constant state of growth-spurting (totally a word, btw).

So what's a mama to do with these hungry kiddos?  FEED EM!  I have to make sure to keep loads of nutritious, brain-fueling snacks on hand at all times to keep their little (or HUGE) appetites satisfied. 

I get asked a lot what some healthy snack options are for kids, so I've laid out a bunch of our faves for you.  I've included links to the brands' sites + discount codes on any that I have codes for, so be sure to take advantage of those!



That's about it, mamas!  I hope this helps give you a few ideas of healthy options for your littles - and yourself!  Shoot, I eat just about everything on this list - except for the non-dairy-free stuff.  I believe the saying "only feed your kids what you'd eat yourself" is 100% accurate, so there's only yummy, healthy, nutritious stuff happening over here! 


**This is not a paid post/advertisement.  All of the brands I have shared here are ones that we love and eat EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  I just want to share the best of the best with you all, cause I kinda sorta love y'all!