Week 4 "WHOLE30" Update

I can’t believe there are only two days left of my Whole30 reset!

And I actually do mean that, too I know a lot of Whole30’ers feel like the month drags on and on, but I feel like it’s flown by! This could be for a few reasons:

1) Since I designed my own rules for my “reset”, I wasn’t as strict as a typical Whole30 would be (read: a few beans or grains every now and then, and limited stevia). So I don’t feel as though I had as much to miss, if that makes sense.

And 2) I actually feel AMAZING eating this way! I combined both Whole30 principles (no dairy, gluten, soy, or added sweeteners) and the “Fab 4” philosophy by Kelly LeVeque (more about her theory in my last blog post). The combination of the two has kept my blood sugar balanced throughout the day and reduced inflammation in my body, which has left me feeling like a new woman. [cue happy dance]

Here are some of the biggest changes I’ve noticed during these last 4 weeks:

  • better digestion (less bloating and better bowel movements - sorry, TMI)

  • less cravings

  • not super hangry every 2 hrs like I was before (I’ve been eating every 3 meals and a snack every 3.5-4 hrs)

  • better sleep quality

  • less overall anxiety

  • a less aggressive menstrual cycle (shortened length, lighter cramps than normal, and fewer night sweats)

  • brighter skin

  • a new appreciation for the how we can use certain foods to help balance our blood sugars and hormones

  • a new meaning of the word “mindful” (more on that below)

And one of the changes I’m geeking out about…

  • down 4 lbs and A LOT of inflammation/bloat!

NOT that I needed to “lose a few pounds”, but I had noticed my clothes weren’t fitting (ugh), I was bloated most of the day, my sex drive and overall mood were suffering, and I just didn’t feel as good in my own skin. Something had to change - and it did!! You can tell the difference in the pic below.

1/6/20 (left) vs 2/1/20 (right)

1/6/20 (left) vs 2/1/20 (right)

With that all said, do I plan to go back to how I was eating before the challenge come Wednesday? Heck nah! I feel amazing and have definitely gotten used to this new “philosophy” of how to combine (mostly whole) foods that my body tolerates to keep it functioning, looking, and feeling it’s best. And I don’t blame on changing that any time soon. But you can bet I’ll be enjoying a glass of wine on Wednesday with B. [wink]

Speaking of enjoying wine…I do plan on adding in a few foods (one at a time) to see if my body tolerates them. The first two I want to try out are obviously alcohol (specifically organic wine and clear liquors like vodka and tequila blanco) and corn (I love corn tortillas/chips/etc.!). I’ll keep the portion small (such as a 5oz glass of wine or one corn tortilla), but then be extra mindful of how I’m feeling after consuming them and the day or two after. If my body starts to show signs of intolerance/inflammation, I’ll just have to take some time to find another suitable swap!

And when I do choose to partake in an adult beverage or something that I know might raise my blood sugar levels a bit more, I plan to do so with 100% MINDFULNESS. I want to savor every bite/sip and enjoy the overall experience. Because as much as food is fuel for our bodies, it is also something that brings us together and can be a huge part of memories made. That’s something I want to cherish and spread with all of you babes!

Ok, that about sums it up, y’all! Let me know if you have more questions about what I’ve been doing and how you can implement some of the same positive changes in your own lifestyle. I’m always here to help!

